Monday, July 6, 2009

愛本來就該 獨一無二

把手放了 我也許會比較快樂
我也許會換個情人 我也許不會再撐
maybe....can i reli do it?
I ask myself for a thousand times...
answer is...I reli cant do it..
I not afraid...not heartless....
coz I stil a human being...
I donwan hurt anyone...
include (YOU)

jz like old sentences...

everything will be fine..

time can approve for you...

no matter how suffer r u now...

wen u look bck...

it jz part of ur life..

part tat u have to go through by urself..

世界上那麼多人 只有我一個人 

能拯救自己的快樂 不要再為你哭了

Yes.. it is true..

no1 can rescue or save u now

only urself....

depend all ur true heart....

ur mind....ur body..ur soul...

i don wan think le..

im tired...

jz pls bless me God...

I love her....

let finish all this....

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