Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday....

long time no log in my blog d..
today is good friday...
go out buy things wif mami....
go out buy so many things today...
weather kinda hot oso.....
jz feel boring so...
upload some of my crazy collection up here....

This is my model cars collection ^^

Cool sticker on my ride ^^

This is all the things me n mami buy one...keke ^^
here jz some of the stuff~

Buy nutriGen drink..n gt small model airplane
and import from japan de XING CHA DAO drink..
good for healthy 1 o~


  1. haha ~那么大人了~还要收集这些~~~

  2. ha? u r wlcome sit on my ride o..coz u r 美女 oso~ n VIP de...LOL ^^
